How Do You Clean Your CD's?

I have been wondering what different products and methods people use to clean their Cd's?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsquiddy
I use a Discwasher rotary cleaner (don't think it's available now-but Radioshack or your local CD store sells a similar kind of product for about $15) which I may have to replace shortly as I'm on the last of the replaceable pads. You spray the disc with a cleaning solution, which is isopropyl (sp?) alcohol based, insert it, and crank away. Wouldn't be without one, especially for used CD's and rental DVD's. Then I treat 'em with Auric Illuminator.
I do like some of the others, I just lick them and then rub them on whatever T-shirt I'm wearing. Sometimes I notice they'll get little marks that will only come off if I use my bare fingernail. If I'm feeling tender I run some water on them and then scrub. But I always wipe from the inside out-never along the grooves. Its usually whatever disc I want to play NOW that needs cleaning so I'm impatient even though I have one of those fancy Alsop cleaners like HDM mentioned.
I'm with Bob on this one. I use dish soap and water for greasy fingerprints and then blot dry. I normally use and recommend Palmolive Anti-Bacterial for tasks such as this. Not only does it soften your hands while you do the CD's, they are hypo-allergenically clean enough to eat off of : ) Sean