No, when you vertically biamp, the power does not add together as some folks think. You will still effectively have only 100 watts per channel whether you bi-amp or tri-amp. To get more power you really need more powerful amp(s).
At best you will have no crosstalk between the right and left speakers and you may gain a little bit more headroom because one amp channel will be relieved of bass duty if you're using a stereo amp. If you're using mono amps the one on the midrange/tweeter section should have a tiny bit more headroom.
This is the simple answer as it's usually a bit more complex in reality, considering the varying impedance/load issues.
At best you will have no crosstalk between the right and left speakers and you may gain a little bit more headroom because one amp channel will be relieved of bass duty if you're using a stereo amp. If you're using mono amps the one on the midrange/tweeter section should have a tiny bit more headroom.
This is the simple answer as it's usually a bit more complex in reality, considering the varying impedance/load issues.