How do you avoid buying new LPs that sound just like CDs?

Most new albums and reissue albums I bought at around $20 sound pretty much like CDs, or even worse.
Some notable exceptions are Norah Jones' Come away with me. It sounds real nice, much better than CD; LP's Lost on You sound pretty good too; Eminem's LP sound good too.

Most LPs that I bought at $40 or over always sound very good. I have two Patricia Barber's LPs and they sound much better than her CDs, but her LPs usually cost $40 or more. Why can't record company make LPs that sound like Patricia Barber's and price at around $20? For me, $20~30 per LP sounds right and I can easily buy them. But for more than $40, I hesitate. Overall, I've bought about 100 new/reissue LPs at around $20 and about 20 at $40 or more over the last 10 years (in addition to about 5K used records that I've collected over 40 some years). 
So, when you buy new or reissue LPs at around $20, how do you avoid those with sub par sound quality? Or, if you like certain musicians and songs, you just buy them without concerning the sound quality?

Showing 2 responses by tweak1

My CDs sound VG to Great.

System dependent for sure.

What record player, arm, cartridge, phono preamp, cables, speakers...

Reading the OPs initial post here, sounds to me like his issues lie elsewhere in his system

My cds sound vg to great and I have 500+ of them