How do you arrange the order of your records?

I guess some alphabetically. Some by genre. By quality. Etc.
My preference is keeping them randomly arranged. This way I get a nice variety and I don’t have to choose. And it’s always a nice surprise.

I take them out about ten at a time and place them in a dedicated space between my mono blocks.


Showing 2 responses by bdp24

This topic always reminds me of the great scene in the movie Diner, with the husband berating the wife for misfiling a record she listened to while he was out.

This topic comes up here fairly regularly. Over the years of amassing LP’s (and/or CD’s), everyone finds what works for them. As long as you can find what you want, it doesn’t matter, does it? Unless you want your arrangement to make a statement about you. ;-)

When I started out I separated Rock, Blues, Country, Jazz, ---and of course Classical (how could one not?). That didn’t last long. What’s the point of separating by genre? For those moments when you’re in the mood for, say, Blues, but don’t know what to play, needing to "browse"? That’s not how I relate to music.

My racks are genre-free: alpha by artist, then chronological. Various artists comps by title. Classical alpha by composer, then composition title and number (concertos, sonatas, symphonies, etc.), and finally performer (for those compositions of which I have multiple interpretations).

The only exception I make is for the catalogues of certain audiophile labels, ones known more for the sound than the music: Sheffield, Reference Recordings (some titles are exceptions), Chesky (ditto), Wilson, etc. "Audiophile" reissues (MoFi, Analogue Productions, Speakers Corner, Intervention, etc.) are in with the non-audiophile pressings.