How do Newforms sound?

I'll appreciate info from anyone regarding the sound of Newform speakers, particularly the 645.

PLEASE no meaningless characterizations like "they suck" or "you'll love them." Just a nice subjective appraisal, be it favorable or unfavorable.

Thanks in advance for your help.

The Bish

Showing 3 responses by travis

The owner's group is somewhere on Yahoo. Don't have the address.

My experience with a pair was not too positive. Kind of had a Bose-like perspective with the sound everywhere. They're too tall for ordinary chairs so you have to tilt them downwards to get the focus that you CAN get. But, and this is a big ol' butt, there appear to be lots of happy 645 owners, and, after all, there is still (I guess) a 30 day free trial.
Hey Patmatt: Sorry to see you lump Newforms with other ribbons and electrostats. After 10+ years with both, I don't find your truth to be mine. But that's hi-fi.
"The 30" ribbon was a bit phasey, and the frequency balance changed when you stood up. This is a speaker you have to sit in front of to here a correct sound. No big deal for some, a big deal for others. I imagine the 45" ribbon is better about this."

I think phasey is an accurate description. Unfortunately, the 45" ribbon now sits on a woofer cabinet which houses 2 7" woofers so that to actually focus the ribbons you really must tilt the speaker forwards, a rather unwieldy solution. That's so weird.