How do I stream the NAXOS Music Library?

  I set up ROON today, along with Tidal, and I like that interface a lot. I'm running the ROON Core on my iMac 5k with TOSLINK into my Accuphase CD player's DAC. 

  I'm thinking about investing in a better DAC and would welcome some recommendations. I was looking at the Meitner MA 1 or the DAC2X, although it is quite a bit of scratch. How much money do I need to spend? LOL.

  One thing, I would like to do is to stream from the NAXOS music library

but it seems to only support streaming from a Flash player. Is there some way I can control the Flash streamer while it is running on my Mac? There is an iPhone app but that only seems to stream for playback on the iPhone. 
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Showing 1 response by mahler123

Did did you ever buy a DAC?  You should be able to use AirPlay to stream the Naxos from your phone to the Mac Mini or to an AirPlay compatible DAC