We paid around $1600 for ours 10 years ago (not installed.) The technology is really simple. The installation depends on your duct system and how many modifications you will need, and also mounting, or hanging the unit in an appropriate location.
Our house is highly energy efficient, so it is sealed, no leaks at all. The important consideration for us was getting moisture out when needed and letting fresh air in. You want to concentrate more on dust and pollen elimination. We have that with ours, however it's not a HEPA unit.
There are many out there, including many USA made units. Web search air exchanger or air to air heat exchanger. It's important to match the system to your home size/needs.
May your gear be shiny and nice!
We paid around $1600 for ours 10 years ago (not installed.) The technology is really simple. The installation depends on your duct system and how many modifications you will need, and also mounting, or hanging the unit in an appropriate location.
Our house is highly energy efficient, so it is sealed, no leaks at all. The important consideration for us was getting moisture out when needed and letting fresh air in. You want to concentrate more on dust and pollen elimination. We have that with ours, however it's not a HEPA unit.
There are many out there, including many USA made units. Web search air exchanger or air to air heat exchanger. It's important to match the system to your home size/needs.
May your gear be shiny and nice!