How do I get a job as a headphone reviewer?

I'm partially disabled and have a hard time with most jobs, but I can work a little part-time especially if it's low stress.

I've had high-end equipment, especially headphones, for 20 years. I'm also an amateur musician and have an analytical and music-oriented "ear." It occurred to me... maybe I could be a reviewer. Maybe it would be a nice part time side gig. But how do reviewers get their jobs? 

I live in a small apartment and don't have a place for speakers with any kind of good room set-up... so it would have to be headphones I review, or headphone amps, also DACs, computer audio, and that kind of thing.


Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

Yeah, you have to watch out for those system upheavals… they can be costly. Last time it happened with me it cost about $10K for my headphone system. That sounds bad… but unfortunately then comparing it to my main system I realized I needed to upgrade my main system… that cost $70K. Don’t get me wrong, it was all absolutely worth it… but once started it can be hard to stop.

I was thinking about your question and realized that headphone reviews are all about the equipment you to drive them. So, I went to see your virtual system. Surprisingly, there isn’t one. I would start there. Let’s see it and maybe a summary of how you developed it and your history. Sounds like you have heard quite a few.. 

I’ve used headphones extensively since the ‘80s, and particularly over the last twenty years while putting together a good headphone system. I found the sound of headphones vary greatly depending on the equipment you use to feed them. I have gone through over half a dozen carefully chosen good quality headphone amps and found that the strengths and weaknesses of different headphones can vary tremendously depending on the headamp… the amount of detail and more subtle tonal balance is strongly varies be the source / DAC. Have you found the same?

I guess if I were to try doing reviews I would want at least one high end system and a couple that are more common ones. I noticed that differences between headphones ( I have a bunch, I’m sure you do as well) that seem big with less than ideal input nearly disappear when fed a really high current natural sounding input. 

Sounds like you are ideally suited skill wise I’m looking forward to hearing more about your interest in headphone systems.