Yeah, you have to watch out for those system upheavals… they can be costly. Last time it happened with me it cost about $10K for my headphone system. That sounds bad… but unfortunately then comparing it to my main system I realized I needed to upgrade my main system… that cost $70K. Don’t get me wrong, it was all absolutely worth it… but once started it can be hard to stop.
How do I get a job as a headphone reviewer?
I'm partially disabled and have a hard time with most jobs, but I can work a little part-time especially if it's low stress.
I've had high-end equipment, especially headphones, for 20 years. I'm also an amateur musician and have an analytical and music-oriented "ear." It occurred to me... maybe I could be a reviewer. Maybe it would be a nice part time side gig. But how do reviewers get their jobs?
I live in a small apartment and don't have a place for speakers with any kind of good room set-up... so it would have to be headphones I review, or headphone amps, also DACs, computer audio, and that kind of thing.