How do I find an audio advisor who does home consultations?

I live on Eastern Long Island and am looking for someone who could do an assessment of my system. Over the last couple of years I've taken the leap into a better quality vinyl system, but just can't seem to get the sound right consistently.  In the past year I purchased a Rega Planar 3 TT, a Line Magnetic tube integrated amp and a Heed phono stage.  There are times it sounds great, but not consistently. I've told two different dealers that my CDs sound better than my vinyl and the response and look I get is like I've spoken heresy.  

I'm in the middle of trying the myriad tweaks (vibration control, new rack, cork mat, record cleaner), am looking into my electrical system (think I have a dedicated line), power conditioner and so on.  I'm considering new phono stage and cartridge as well.

I know how electrical issues ( air conditioner running, dehumidifier on another line) influence sound, but is it possible that vinyl is influenced more that CD's?

Anyway, I'm willing to pay for someone to assess my system in my home as opposed to going to a dealer and guessing that I need this or that without hearing what I am.  Are there dealers that charge an hourly rate to do this?


Showing 1 response by fedie

Udog  I be glad to help, I’m in Lindenhurst let me know. I’m retired now so any afternoon is ok..