How Do I Delete Low Bit Rate Songs From My Library

I really, really screwed up.....I was ripping a lot of CD's into my computer and I must have hit the wrong button....I accidentally added about 4500 low bit rate (between 150 and 160 bit rate) duplicates onto my Windows 7 music library. They show up in my J River Library as well.....How can I delete them without individually clicking on each song? Any help would be greatly appreciated. TY!

Showing 3 responses by zd542

Make bit rate one of the columns displayed in library view. Once you do that, filter everything out until you end up with just the bit rates you want to delete. Once you have them isolated, highlight and delete them. I don't know if Jriver supports this type of thing so you may have to use a different music player. I'm pretty sure can do this with Quod Libet, Clementine and probably foobar.
"A kiss on the cheek would probably suffice"

Not for me. And while we are on the topic, anyone I told to kiss my ass, I apologize and take it back. I don't want those either.