How do I bypass KMixer in Windows XP


I have searched the threads and still have been unable to determine how I can set up my external USB Dac to receive a USB feed out of Windows XP WITHOUT the signal passing thru KMixer.

I'm struggling to figure out if there's a fairly easy way to do this, or if a move to Vista- or a MAC- is the way to proceed.

Your direction is appreciated!
Basis the "What's This" explanation of the choices under Audio device driver:

Option 1: "Do not use audio features on this device" :
Prevents your programs from using this device driver. The driver remains on your disk, but it is no longer loaded into memory when you start your computer.

Option 2: "Do not map through this device"
Prevents your programs from using this device driver. Unless one of your programs specifically requests it, this device will not be used".

My interpretation (and I do not play a microsoft vista design engineer in real life or on TV):
Selecting 1 renders the device generically unavailable. However by selecting 2 as well a program can force mounting of the driver.
Ok, well I finally got this to work and, more importantly, I think I understand how it works. For some reason, I had to reboot several times before foobar worked.

Since the solution disables the sound controller in windows, making all features (including recording and windows sounds) unavailable except for playback, this is overkill for me. I am sticking with ASIO. I can detect no audible difference between using ASIO and by disabling the sound controller in windows when using foobar, and I can still use the other features of my soundcard.
Another alternative is to upgrade to Vista SP2, use the WASAPI plugin with Foobar or J.River and be done with it. You can get up to 24/192 output if your Dac is capable and you use the SPDIF output of the PC.
Thanks for the responses, but I'm not trying to disable the windows sounds, I'm trying to prevent them from being disabled.

I guess I don't really understand how this can work. If you select "Do not use audio features" for a sound controller in the device manager, how can it be available to programs in windows?

I've tried this with my old desktop with an audigy 2zs pci card and an m-audio audiophile usb external device, and basically it just disables the device in windows, making it no longer available to foobar or any other app. If I select "Do not map to this device" but leave the "use audio features" on, then it works, and it does seem to bypass the kmixer, using either the creative mixer, or the maudio mixer instead.

Am I missing something?

BTW - while I was experimenting with this, I also compared foobar 0.9.x to 0.8.3 (per Steve's suggestion) and boy it is a pretty big difference. It is unfortunate that a lot of the new interface plugins don't work on 0.8.3, but I'll happily sacrifice those for better sound.
I fully admit I am no PC wiz but I tried following the instructions step by step and lost all sound from my computer. I couldn't get it back, my computer guru couldn't get back, and I ended up having to dump and reload XP. It was a long and costly venture that I am afraid to try again. I hooked up a USB DAC and am going to live with it as is.
No, it did not on my PC, I already experimented with your question.

Control panel > Sounds, speech and audio devices > Change the sound scheme >
The first bar has windows default option and no sounds, you can choose from there and save.

Or, you can select individual sound options from the box near the bottom.
Nnyc - no, you must select "no sounds" in the Windows preferences. Go to sounds and audio devices etc. in control panel.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Does unmapping the device the way Steve suggests prevent windows from making sounds (beeps, alarms, notifications, etc)?
Steve Nugent is the man as usual !

Thanks from me for helping de-map my K-Mixer, works like a charm, and of course it sounds better !
And how about the ANSIO drivers that are often talked about. Under your scenario, are they necessary and/or an improvement?
You dont need any other driver than what your sound device provides, if any.

Just substitute your device for Empirical 1.1 above. I did this recently for a Lynx card. Worked perfectly.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve N. - Thanks so much for the detailed and easy to follow explanation. Then do I need to install a different "driver" or other software. I am using a USB DAC (sorry, not yours but its for a 3rd rig in my home office) and just downloaded J. River Jukebox. I'm reasonably competent in following instructions but I am not sure I totally understand the conceptual framework for PC audio.
I have found the easiest and most effective is unmapping the device (example uses Empirical Audio device):

Go to Control Panel - System Hardware - Device Manager - Sound Video and Game Controllers – Empirical 1.1 - Right-Click and select Properties - Audio Devices – Empirical 1.1 - Properties - Set "Do not use audio features" and set "Do not map through this Device"

You will need to reboot and then if you change it back to mapped, then you must re-boot

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Want to bring this back up to the top of the pile, as my new Keces 152 USB DAC/Headphone amp is waiting at the p.o. for me to pick up tomorrow a.m. I have a very basic question:
1. If you use i-tunes to manage your music library (I have an ipod for traveling so that kind of makes sense for me) can you also use these other players I have been reading about like Foobar and J. River and so forth?
I was using Window Vista, but decided to use my old laptop with Win XP instead. I will continue to use iTune via USB to Benchmark DAC-1.

Some questions after reading this thread.

1. I followed the instructions in Benchmark website, but I can't adjust the volume once I had my Benchmark attached as the volume was grey out. does that mean I don't need to worry about it any more?
2. if I followed all the steps in Benchmark web, does that mean I don't need ASIO4all?
Another way is to unmap the device. Here are instructions:

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Can anyone explain how to get teh ASIO4all driver to work with Windows Media Player 11?
Hi just go to the link above " Windows XP Audio Playback - Setup Guide'. It explains how to setup WMP. I would advise using Foobar or J.River media jukebox instead of WMP. The J.River jukebox is free and really runs circles around WMP.
You're welcomed Danlib1.
Can anyone explain how to get teh ASIO4all driver to work with Windows Media Player 11?
Thanks GMood1. Your advice combined with a private email from Mijknarf set me on the right road.

Thanks again guys!
Here's one guide you can use Windows XP Audio Playback - Setup Guide. Here's the driver you need ASIO4all.

Here's another great player you can try for grins J.River Media center. Here's how to set it up J River Media Center Setup.

Good luck