How do Digital Amps Mfrs. compare in sound?

I am so excited about all the reviews of various digital amps out there. I just know this is the future of audio because the value is just too irresistable.

But, there are so many companies out there: PS Audio, Bel Canto, NeForce, Wyred, Spectron, etc just to name a few. To compound the issue(s), the modding companies like Cullen Circuits are upgrading and modifying digital amps. So are there differences between these companies products' sound or does digital equipment sound homogenous? Where does the biggest "bang-for-the-buck" lie when it comes to digital amps? Has anyone directly compared any of these digital amps to each other?
None of the Rowland amps are comparable? That's surprising.

If can be bypassed, fine, but I would not see the point in paying for a high end integrated and only using the amp section.

My local dealer only carries the 102 and its the more powerful, high current class Ds, that compete against large class a/b monster sized amps, that are of interest to me personally.
I have the PSAudio GCC250, also an ICE based product. The difference here is the 'gain cell' inputs, the claim being it is now a variable gain amplifier, not fixed gain with an attenuated input. My Magnepan 1.6s seem perfectly happy. I believe the ASP modules have an ON-BOARD PS...a fairly small and efficient SMPS.

All amps run off rectified AC with the exception of stuff like the Emitter and some preamps, which are powered by banks of batteries. The purity of pure battery power is tough to argue with.

I work for International Rectifier and we make a class 'd' entry, of which I have a reference board which I intend to make the core of a 2nd system. Power supply issues will be obviated by use guessed it.....4x12 batteries on EACH rail. That yields +-50v or so. The amp is asking for +-55v maximum, so I should be safe. If, driving normal, mid sensitivity speakers, I use an average of 12 watts, that is a play time of 6 or 8 hours, using 10amp hour batteries.
Anyone try the panasonic XR series? I'm using the panasonic XR 57 with some mirage OM10's and I am impressed
Nospam is right in my opinion. ASP modules cannot compete with a very good analog power supply. What is the advantage of introducing a digital power supply into an analog amp? The answer is, to lessen the cost of production by the amp builder.

The HF from my speakers are silky sweet. It never brings attention to itself.
I have owned the CIA UcD D200s and have borrowed a Rotel ICE amp for a while, but these are both out-performed by the Digital Amp Company's Cherry and DAC4800. DAC uses proprietary ClassD guts - Not UcD or ICE.
Disclaimer - I know the DAC designer so take my comments as you will, but it won't hurt to check them out.