How Cool Is My Wife!

I thought my wife was pretty cool when we moved into our new house and she said, "Honey why don't you take the best room in the house for your dedicated listening room." I thought that was pretty cool, a 27" X 14" room for my gear (And boy is it a great sounding room). Well this year I almost droped dead when for my birthday she gave me a pair of Maggie 1.6's! I know what your thinking gentlemen. She's mine and she's a keeper!
I'm usually the voice of reason, fortunately my wife is of the school "life's too short so enjoy it". Birthday 2 years ago Krell 300i, last christmas Dunlavy SC-III's. What a great gal!! She's the reason I've been upgrading. She totally supports my enjoyment of this hobby and love of music. Think I'll make her dinner now.
My wife got me a Koetsu Rosewood one Christmas, then a few years later dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the digital age by buying me a CD player for my birthday. She has not objected to my purchase of $1000+ cables. I am now in search of a CD player upgrade, and she has not made a noise about it. Then again, I have a birthday coming up soon. Maybe.... Okay, enough of this stuff. What do you do for your wives? I make my wife dinner most days (I'm a far better cook than she is).
My wife is the coolest. She's a designer, and is into industrial design. She likes the retro style of the MAC 240 tube amp, but now likes the new Krell that we have. I'm getting a new pair of Totem Model 1s, and she'll like those too. She doesn't mind the big Straightwire Maestro cables all over the place. She accepts my audio gear, just like she accepts me, without question. I am the luckiest man alive.
ah yes, she said why not buy the BIG tubes, I replied, you mean the 300B's. Yes! those, she exclaimed! And get two while your at it. I responded, you mean the VAC 140's. Yes! she breathed heavily. What could that be wrapped up in those 8 foot cartons?, I asked. Just a little thank you for being the loving, caring, romantic audiophile that you are. My hands ripped at the industrial packing, seeing the words pipe dreams........a voice repeated, just click your socks together and repeat after me , there's no place like home, there's no..... but I Don't want to go home...
I agree with Rsuminsby, if you have a wife who enjoys your hobbies and interests you are a lucky man indeed. My wife and I enjoy relaxing and listening to music together. The only thing we sometimes disagree on is the type of music, but she is very tolerant of my obsession with audio equipment. We are truely some lucky guys.