How Cool Is My Wife!

I thought my wife was pretty cool when we moved into our new house and she said, "Honey why don't you take the best room in the house for your dedicated listening room." I thought that was pretty cool, a 27" X 14" room for my gear (And boy is it a great sounding room). Well this year I almost droped dead when for my birthday she gave me a pair of Maggie 1.6's! I know what your thinking gentlemen. She's mine and she's a keeper!

Showing 1 response by dacostab

My wife got me a Koetsu Rosewood one Christmas, then a few years later dragged me, kicking and screaming, into the digital age by buying me a CD player for my birthday. She has not objected to my purchase of $1000+ cables. I am now in search of a CD player upgrade, and she has not made a noise about it. Then again, I have a birthday coming up soon. Maybe.... Okay, enough of this stuff. What do you do for your wives? I make my wife dinner most days (I'm a far better cook than she is).