How Cool Is My Wife!

I thought my wife was pretty cool when we moved into our new house and she said, "Honey why don't you take the best room in the house for your dedicated listening room." I thought that was pretty cool, a 27" X 14" room for my gear (And boy is it a great sounding room). Well this year I almost droped dead when for my birthday she gave me a pair of Maggie 1.6's! I know what your thinking gentlemen. She's mine and she's a keeper!
My parents have been happily married for over 30 years... my mother likes to joke that when she married my father, she told him that it was either going to be my mom or the stereo. 30 some odd years later, she has been such a trooper that she has finally conceded defeat by the almighty hi-fi but has decided to remain married to my dad. Not only has it turned into a dedicated custom built listening room... a pair of speakers larger than a person... amplifiers that weigh as much as a person... but my mom has tolerated waking up every morning for the last year to my father baking in a convection oven his very large collection of master tapes he recently acquired (for those who don't know,Ampex tape made in the 70s and 80s had 'issues' and the only way to temporarily fix the problem is to cook them for a few hours). Needless to say, I don't currently have a significant other but I only hope that when I do find her, she is as understanding as my mom has been!
Currently living in a cramped (by American standards!) house in England, but my wife let me add four 15" x 15" x 60" Cube Traps for bass treatment! And she only winced a little at the $600 shipping bill!
Having thought about my previous posting, it occured to me that none of us who are married could not possibly enjoy this hobby to its fullest without a lot of understanding from our spouses. Those of you who suffer from a less-than-supportive spouse are probably reading some of these postings with envy, and asking "how can I get my wife to be like that?" Well guys, there is in fact a BIG SECRET! And for absolutely no charge, I'm prepared to reveal it here! So hold on to your hats, here it is: RUB HER FEET. Yes, it's that simple. When you settle down for a movie or a listening session, you pour her a glass of wine, settle down on the sofa (yes, you need a sofa in the sweet spot, not a single chair) and rub her feet. She'll love you for it, and eventually conclude that this hobby is far better than one that keeps you out on a golf course for 4-5 hours every weekend. I assure you this technique will improve the quality of your listening sessions!