How Cool Is My Wife!

I thought my wife was pretty cool when we moved into our new house and she said, "Honey why don't you take the best room in the house for your dedicated listening room." I thought that was pretty cool, a 27" X 14" room for my gear (And boy is it a great sounding room). Well this year I almost droped dead when for my birthday she gave me a pair of Maggie 1.6's! I know what your thinking gentlemen. She's mine and she's a keeper!

Showing 2 responses by michaelb

My wife loses points in the stereo-friendly department. Almost always a "Can you turn that down?" when she walks in and I'm playing the stereo by myself. But when it comes to food, she more than makes up for it. So I've learned to let my taste buds provide the pleasure that was my ears' province when I was single. Can you say home-made sushi?
Gino -- I'll keep this brief as to not turn it into a food discussion. Tell Jo two words: Cooks Illustrated. Great mag and source for all things related to food. The sushi recipes, though, came from a local cooking class. Not too hard, really. Head to your nearest Asian market for basic equipment.