How come Horn + woofer designs are not more popular?

A couple guys on my audio discord really love the JBL synthesis 4367 and feel that all traditional 3 way tower speakers suck because they have poor bass response and are generally shy sounding. What I wonder is how come the majority of speaker makes do floor standers that are 3 way as oppose to the Horn +woofer design of JBL?

Is there any downsides to the horn + woofer design? Can a horn convey microdetail as well as a Be tweeter like say from magic A or S line? They claim 3 way floor standers are just trendy. But is there anything more to it then that?

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

My Klipsch Heresy IIIs with powered subs (2) have the benefit of accurate and controllable bass (independent of the Heresy IIIs anyway), and having not tried a horn loaded home speaker in many years (been using various horn loaded PA speakers for pro live mixing work for many decades), I was surprised at both how NOT "shouty" and actually linear these speakers sound...they will immediately show weaknesses in the signal chain so best (obviously) when used with good gear behind them, so get that right and these things sound beautiful.
My Heresy IIIs were extremely easy to set take them out of the box, put them in front of you, attach the wires...