How Cary 805 will go with Kharma 3.2

I do have the opportunity to purchace Kharma 3.2 FE and do not know what amps to consider. Single ended triode is the option for my room and music taste.There are no Lamm dealer in Australia, but there are Cary, and I heard 805 are stunning. Did anyone tried. The cables are Stereovox Ref.

Showing 1 response by tuboo

Congratulations with your purchase.
i know Kharma has gone to great lenght and time to get the subwoofers right.
it takes further time and room acoustics to bring it to a higher level in itself.
as for amplifiers there is a wide choice now that you have bought the 3,2 and it is all a matter of personal taste.
some have more resolution some are better controlled in the lower frequencies.
i would suggest any good tubeamp with around 30 to 75 watts.
It's not the watts alone, it is more topology in itself and if you like openess and resolution you should do yourself a favour by reviewing Atma-Sphere OTl amps also.
expect to try different cables and powercords to get the whole to a magic level, these speakers have such resolution that every flaw in the chain will get noticed.
once you get there you cannot stop listening :-)