How Cary 805 will go with Kharma 3.2

I do have the opportunity to purchace Kharma 3.2 FE and do not know what amps to consider. Single ended triode is the option for my room and music taste.There are no Lamm dealer in Australia, but there are Cary, and I heard 805 are stunning. Did anyone tried. The cables are Stereovox Ref.

Showing 1 response by sirspeedy70680e509

I have heard the wonderful 3.2's on numerous occassions.Unless your room is huge,you should be about as happy as Patrick Rafter would have been,had he won an Australian open -:)
The Cary 805 is a SUPER amp!!You should be doing cartwheels,from euphoria,once you are totally set up.

Best of luck!