How can we settle for digital?

My friend, a recording engineer, once made a remark when I told him I had spent $3000 on a CD player. He said "How far can you polish a turd?" Those I know in the music business all agree that digital can only go so far. Vinyl is certainly making a comeback, but the advent of new digital formats seems to perpetuate new hope on the part of audiophiles. Do you buy it? Or are you sticking with your records? Or will you stand up for your $3000+ CDP? Is it just polishing a turd?

Showing 2 responses by gawdbless

I will always now settle for cd because a cd can last past 1000000+ plays (apparently), whereas the forever warping, dusty, snappy, crackly, poppy vinyl can last maybe 450?
I do miss album covers though. I will admit that when I did play albums on my Linn LP12 it did sound more 'natural' than a cd. That was a few years back though.
My local thrift store was selling quite a few classical box sets on vinyl for 3 bucks each. I was surely tempted.
Audiophile dude, I am only going by what I have read.
Obviously I can't say whether a particular cd will last 1million plays because they to have a difference in material quality (apparently) and also a million x 60minutes means I will be at least 70!
3000 album plays with a metal stylus on plastic without degradation of sound does seem a tad unlikely, but I will take your word for it because I will never play the same album that many times even if I pull out my museum piece LP12, dust it down and start turning that starting
My hi-fi Reviewer acquaintance says the Arcam 192 is a good a cd players at 3x the cost.
Keep up with the 'swifter' every time you play your albums!
Humor chaps, nothing serious.