How can I tell if my stylus is damaged ??

hey folks,
I recently started using a TT, so I am new to the ins-n-outs of this specialized equipment. Unfortunately, I first placed my TT in an area where I accidentally kept hitting the headshell and knocking it to the left, where it would skip/slide over the vinyl itself, like skipping rocks on a pond (doh!)

Just wondering if y'all can help me figure out if I damaged the stylus or not (its a Shibata diamond on an Ortolan 2M Black MM).

Since I have started investing in some nice vinyl (Box Sets, Limited Editions, Beatles Mono, etc), the last thing I want to do is damage the expensive vinyl!!
Any suggestions to help me figure this out? Will I have to send it to a dealer to get confirmation one way or the other?

Showing 1 response by czarivey

1. do visual if cantilever is straight
2. worn stylus would usually distort inner grooves first so play last track on several randomly picked records and see if there's a problem