How can I find out more about Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme

Hi Audiogon members,

I have written recently asking about my issues in a move to a larger listening room. Many of you were helpful and with the addition of rugs and wall art as well changes to speaker position, I am much happier. However, I am still considering bigger speakers than my current KLH Model 5s. 

Top among the speakers I am interested in are the new Zu Audio Omen Def Supreme. But I simply cannot find reviews. The internet is silent about these speakers! Does anyone here have experience with them - especially for a largish listening room?

Also considering the Dynaudio Evoke 50s so please chime in if you have them!

Thanks, Nadine


Showing 1 response by atanarjuat99

@jtcf That is actually really really helpful. I just wanted to talk to someone else who has them (or a close likeness) before shelling out. Because I really only have one shot at this. 

I live in a really little town so cannot easily listen to speakers in show rooms. And, as you know, Zu doesn't have show room so reviews and feedback are more important. 

Thanks again. Nadine