How best to eliminate LP warps

I own about 2500 LPs, and I like to think they're flat.  Furthermore, I espoused the view that warped LPs ought to be discarded.  But lately I have found 2 or 3 of my LPs that do have warps but sound too good and are too precious for the music recorded on them to throw away.  So I am in the market for ideas on how to remove warps.  I am aware that there was a device on the market that looked like a large waffle maker, to be used for warp removal.  I think Furutech made it, but I never see it advertised these days.  I am also aware of the DIY method of placing an LP between two glass plates and heating the ensemble.  The question there would be how hot and for how long?  Any suggestions are welcome, especially opinions on the efficacy of the Furutech.  Thanks.  Please no comments on vacuum hold down; I think it's a great idea but none of my five turntables has that feature.


Showing 2 responses by 4krowme

PVF, Perfect Vinyl Forever can flatten records for $12 each. They mainly clean records, but also offer this service. Minimum order is 12 records. I them once with impressive results. I did not however send a warped record to be flattened.

 Using a machine that costs hundreds or thousands of dollars may be appropriate for say an audio club, but for the average collector, it is too high a price. PVF uses a professional machine manufactured for this specific purpose. No electric blankets involved.


  Thanks for the heads up. Seems to be a great opportunity for someone with enough 'bent discs' to spring for one.

 The last album that I got had a sort of double warp, i.e., one right after the other!