These things are tough and there's no need to be gentle with them. I use a large old toothbrush on the worst of them with diluted Dawn dishwashing liquid and scrub the heck out of them, following the grooves. Then I rinse them under the tap and do a final rinse on my Nitty Gritty using distilled water. For 78s that look to be in basically clean shape, I just use VPI fluid in the Nitty Gritty with no rinse (at least until I play them and see if additional cleaning is necessary). I have three 78 rpm styli/carts: Grado, Stanton 881, and Shure. Soundwise, they rank in that order. The carts sound unbelievably better if you strap the two hot pins and two ground pins with very thin wire, holding it on with the cartridge leads. This can virtually eliminate surface noise on 78s in decent shape. I have many 78s that sound better than the same music on LP and CD -- this can be a jaw-dropping comparison. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T USE ALCOHOL ON 78S -- IT WILL DISSOLVE THEM. Good luck, Dave