How are you hearing no difference?

In my experience, I've never heard two pre-amps that sound exactly the same, nor two DACs that sound the same, nor two amps...etc. Yet, occasionally someone will claim that they heard no difference between Product A and Product B in their system.  I find it difficult to believe.

Showing 2 responses by dohanian

I need a psychologist to weigh in here. (I am not one). The central fallacy as I see it is; assuming one can hear a difference in presentation between two similar components, is one better? Chocolate and vanilla are both ice creams, both cold and sweet, but decidedly different; so which is "better"? Can't they just be different? I prefer vanilla, so to ME it is "better."
This is the tyrrany of choice; we assume that because two things are demonstrably different one has to be better. Take tubes and transistors. They both distort, but in different ways. This is what gives them their characteristic "sounds." But as they improve in quality their distortions minimize and their sounds become more similar. Still, each has a distinctive "sound" of its own; perhaps a vanishingly small difference but since there are two different pieces being compared then at least a theoretical difference. Which is better? The one I prefer may not be what you prefer, but for me the better component is the one I prefer, and I don't really care what YOU like best. 
I find audiophiles divide into two groups; those that listen to music with components vs. those that listen to components with music. 
Not a bad metaphor, cbrents73. Just a side note to dig in a bit to the tubes/transistor point. You say one will be "more right." Each have qualities that are superior to the other. We know that traditionally transistor amps have killer, tight bass. Tubes have sweet, transparent mids and highs. Which is better? One is "right" for me, the other is "right" for you. Both, then, are "better" for someone, but they are certainly different. If one amp had the best qualities of both THAT would be the better amp. Otherwise you'll just have to choose which one you can live with; which one is right for you.