Hot Rats

There are times when you have to pull this album from the rack and listen!

Showing 4 responses by duanegoosen

Great album, one of my favorites from FZ... it's packed w/ excellent compositions. Kind of expect that anyone who digs this one could find a lot of his other recordings pretty rewarding. Tunes like Twenty Small Cigars, Blessed Relief, Big Swifty, The Little House I Used To Live In, Zoot Allures and Echidna's Arf will rattle around in peoples brains for a long time.
None of the tunes I named are on Hot Rats... the post took a stab at listing a few tracks from other albums that anyone who likes Hot Rats would probably enjoy.
...Twenty Small Cigars is not on Hot is on Chunga's Revenge tho'.
...Petite Wazoo is a good Archival disc. The Jean Luc Ponty plays the music of Frank Zappa record also features some pretty spiff playing and compositions.
Hey Tostadosundios, no big deal...appreciating / digging the stuff is what counts!