Horn speakers are really bright?

So I’m trying to understand why so many people think klipsch or horn speakers are bright 

I have two  set up garage and living room both with horn speakers EPIC CF4 garage and and KLF 30 mahogany living room  

I have recorded this songs with my iPhone  listen to them and feel free to tell me what you don’t like about them
 by the way I don’t have any room treatment



Showing 11 responses by ozzy62

That video is proof that just because something can be done, doesn’t mean that it should be done.

I borrowed a pair of the Usher BE 718s a few years ago from a dealer. At the time I had some Green Mountain Audio monitors. The GMA speakers beat them overall. The only thing the Ushers did better was bass response. The midrange just wasn't as real sounding. I can hear more texture in the midrange on the Klipsch speakers in your video than the Ushers. Same thing I heard in my room.


As mentioned already, Klipsch speakers can be as bright or dull as your room and components allow. But once you get it right, not much else compares to horns. The key is sweating the details, these are not plug n play speakers. If you aren't willing to devote some time and money in placement, room treatment and a good front end, move on to something else.


Here's what I've come to learn about Klipsches, DON'T PLAY LOUD ROCK MUSIC THROUGH THEM. That's where they get brashy, honky, and headachy. Those horns are nice with certain genres at reasonable volumes, but crank them up with many types or rock/country and you're asking for an ear piercing.
 As PWK himself would say "Bulls&*t"

A well placed horn in a well thought out room with a good front end will play ALL music with aplomb.
My comments above are strictly regarding the Heritage series. The only other Klipsch speakers I have owned were KG 4.2s and they were just ok.

then you get to something like Celine Dions voice and you have to leave the room because it's very sharp.

Not sure I'd want to be at that party...........

I don’t really know if a streamer make a difference 


Absolutely it does!

I went from a Squeezebox Touch to a Pi (Allo Digi One), then to a Node 2i and now a Lumin U1 Mini. All of them sounded different. In order:

SB, Node, Allo, Lumin

All are used with separate DACs. All the streamers sounded different on their own.