Horn Speaker Recommendations

I am looking for your feedback on what Horn speakers I should consider in the $15k-$40k price range.  Please describe the rationale for your recommendations.  

Showing 3 responses by roxy54


I respect your experience, but the way you state what you just said really makes it sound like it’s necessary to assemble rare parts and pieces from all over the place at considerable trouble and expense to have a good sounding horn system, and I have to disagree with that. If we all had the time, money and expertise to do that I’m sure that the results would be great, but the average audiophile like myself can get good results without going to the extreme.

I don't always agree with your opinions, but I think your review of the Forte III really hit the mark and accurately described their raison d'etre. When you consider what Klipsch delivers in total, they are really quite a good value.
Thanks, John


Are the Aurora a new speaker in their line? I didn't see it on their website. The speakers are unique looking, but beautiful.