Honest opinions on my two picks of loudspeakers

So I wanted to see what most of you thought or what your pick would be between the Revel Salon 2 towers and the McIntosh XR100's I'm torn between both with looks and performances with my choice leaning more toward Mac since I'd be powering them with the 452 and the whole matching thing, but I will also be pushing these quite hard at times (rock-metal) and I want a well built power capable speaker for the long haul..I was considering Wilson's as well and have not cut them out just wanted some respectable opinions on my two narrowed down choices we all are familiar with pricing and these two options have a considerable difference between the two so I'm torn which is the better bang for my bucks!! 

Thanks all..

Showing 6 responses by shawnscola

Thanks @tomic601  that good huh? Which model would you suggest and as far as hearing goes I'm 47 and could care less..I like it extremely loud but has to be clean sounding I'm in a large house and large property and would like to hear clearly outdoors as well in the warmer weather with windows open. 
Thanks @elizabeth..same response really that I gave mijostyn I always thought they were top of the line? I also always knew they're stuff was expensive but well worth the cost for what you got quality wise no? Wilson's are also up there in price as well which I may revert back to from what I'm hearing about them..anyone have anything to add on the wilson Yvette or Sasha's?
Thanks @mijostyn, since growing up in a household of hippies and loud music I always recalled McIntosh being revered as one of the best..didn't Woodstock use a wall of them? Anyhow I appreciate your opinion and I do like the look of the Revels for what it's worth. 
Thanks everyone for your detailed responses and links I've enjoyed reading them all and after spending the day researching all of your suggestions I've decided to audition..well I've purchased the Klipsch Cornwall III Special Edition and special thanks to @mijostyn for the recommendation and I'll promise to listen carefully so as not to damage my hearing..lol I won't hold anyone responsible. I would assume there is a break in period with this would you agree...I'll post pictures and my thoughts once I've received these beauties and not a bad price either for a pair $6600. Thanks again all
@tomic601 great story I'll agree I read all the posts and articles related to the dead and they're traveling Road show and the huge stage crew..wow very cool! And don't worry I'll enjoy them for sure and if they're as good as stated I'll likely grab another pair for the house..thanks again bud I appreciate it!!
Just logged back in to see all the new comments..so I'll update. The online retailer I was planning to buy from had an issue with sending them back..so I'm auditioning them at one of my local hifi stores who btw didn't have them in stock but was willing to get a pair in for me to have a listen..so I'm going that this week afterwards I'll likely talk to them about the IV's since tbh I had no idea that they were available so thanks for the information on that @mrdecibel..update to come...thanks again all much appreciated