Honest opinion's of the Mighty KLIPSCHORNS????

I finally purchased a pair of 1981 Klipschorn speakers. I highly considered them for many many years. Although I will not be setting them up until my room is complete, I just wanted some honest opinion's of people that actually own them or have owned them? I find most owners use tube equipment on them. However I have never owned any tube gear. I will be using the system for 50% home theater and 50% music and would also like advise on a 5 channel solid state amp that may work well with the K-HORNS? I will be using an EAD Ovation pre-amp. Any and all feedback both positive and negative is greatly appreciated.


Showing 1 response by sean

I have owned well over a half dozen sets of various Klipsch models ( mostly La Scala's and Heresy's ). Having modified all of these to various states of performance and being able to experience the differences along the way, i think that ALL Klipsch need a LOT of very basic modifications to sound their best. Getting rid of the "horniness" can be done relatively easily, making the speakers far more versatile and usable with a wide variety of electronics ( tube and / or SS ). If you simply damped the horn bodies to minimize ringing, replaced the factory wiring and loosely stuffed the woofer cavity with fiberglass, you'd be MILES ahead of a stock model. All of this sounds a LOT more complicated than it really is, especially given the way that Klipsch has constructed the crossover and how the wiring attaches. Most of it is simple labor with a very small amount of elbow grease. Sean