I just want to thank everyone that has taken the time to lend there opinion on such a great web site. I really enjoy visiting Audiogon and reading the threads especially when you post one of your own. I just think it's great that people actually take the time out of there busy schedules to post the information we crave. I also wanted to say that I called Klipsch and asked them about the pair that I had just purchased they don't have any labels with signatures but they do have the serial numbers stamped on them. They told me that some were made with no label? I also found out mine were made in 1982 not 1981. I purchased mine from the original owner and they were never modified all original drivers crossovers etc. Does anyone know when the Alnico magnets were last produced in the K-Horns?
Thanx To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx To All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!