Honest Amp Reviews: Impossible?

So, I’ve noticed a flood of class D junk hitting the market over the last several years. They come from many different brand names from people you’ve never heard of before like "VTV", to popular Internet-in-the-know brands like PS Audio to famous names like Marantz. One thing they ALL have in common: the complete inability to find honest reviews online for these products.

For example, let’s take for instance the Stellar series from PS Audio. Class D junk with the usual attempt to improve euphonics with some kind of input stage. They call this scheme class AD, I guess to differentiate all the other brands that do something similar. However, you’ll never see a review site point this out; they’ll comment briefly on the design and then dutifully call it class AD afterwards as if it isn’t just a class D amp like many others.

Next, the reviewer will invariably lie about the sound. This lying usually takes the form of lying by omission. They’ll gush about how beefy and controlled it is, how neutral it is, how wide and natural the soundstage is, etc. What they WON’T mention is how lifeless, flat, boring and ultimately fatiguing they ALL are. The buyer who doesn’t know any better has to find that out for themselves while he slowly grows to distrust anything a reviewer has to say about anything. So, the only way to actually get value out of a review is to see if a certain amp has the positive attributes you are looking for while trying to painstakingly research any problems it might have because the reviewer won’t mention them.

In addition to the lies of omission, there’s the usual con of giving certain gear to certain reviewers who will appreciate / like the piece. That Stellar will NEVER be put up against a Dan D’agostino or a Pass for example. This could be valuable to the buyer to see how a lesser amp stacks up against a high end one, but it’s not, apparently, useful to the reviewers. Why? Why is telling the whole truth about amps -- all gear really -- taboo?

Showing 2 responses by daveyf

I dont think a blanket statement like ALL Class D amps are junk really holds much water. BUT, having said that I do agree with the OP that there does seem to be a significant point that he has...and that is that there are reviewer's who seem to fall down ( I won't say, like he does, lie!) as they tend to fail by omission. ( whether that same omission is intentional or not is unknown.) This is exactly why I think it is highly prudent to listen for oneself in one's own system to any component under consideration. Could a Class D amp be the ticket, sure could if it works great with your system and your priorities, IMHO.
Guido Corona ( I think the member alluded to above) certainly likes his Class D Jeff Rowland amps. 
The real question when I read reviews is how discriminatory is the reviewer in question. Many times it would seem that the rave review, full of hyperbole,is given by the reviewer who perhaps doesn’t have a true standard that is high enough to guide him by. Or maybe he does, and that standard is still low enough that all gear he reviews not only meets the standard, but exceeds it. Personally, if I want to tear apart any piece of gear I have ever heard , at any price point, I can do this...as they all have their issues compared to ‘live unamplified sound’.