Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System

Dual use, should probably be the title. Oh well. Finally posted my system. Someone’s always asking about how to do a dual use system. Well, here’s how its done.
Cinephile or audiophile, movies and music are the two things I have loved for as long as I can remember. I want my music to sound as good as possible, and I want my movies to look and sound as good as possible. Everything is a compromise and yet when it comes to these two the compromises are remarkably few. If any. At least that is what my system shows. Because it is a first-rate audiophile sound system, AND a top level home theater.
Whether music or movies an immersive experience is the goal. To lose yourself in the experience. To be carried away.
Studies show viewers consistently rate video quality higher when sound quality is high. Unfortunately the Home Theater industry has chosen to pursue quantity over quality. Which cannot ever work. No amount of surround speakers will ever make up for poor quality. Everyone knows this perfectly well. Being able to convince anyone otherwise is a testament to marketing.
But that’s not my main point here. Rather it is that everything matters. Seemingly minor little things like cryogenic treatment, HFT, ECT, Total Contact, fuses, cable elevators, etc when added together actually make so much difference it is almost impossible to build a truly good system without them.

Removing those tweaks from my system would lower it down to merely average.

Anyway, the system is posted. Enjoy the pics. I am not that good a photographer but Steve Clarke was busy. Tried to get the tubes go glow- how’d I do?

The system evolves. Here for reference are some pics from 16 years ago. https://www.theanalogdept.com/c_miller.htm
Comments welcome. Enjoy!


Showing 14 responses by geoffkait

I can certainly understand why your butt is so sore. Ouch! Have you tried sitting on ice packs? 🤗
That’s not my system, it’s some guy’s in Sweden about twenty years ago. But thanks for thinking of me anyway. 😬 I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. 

@geoffkait ,

Just kick-started my Honda....it needs a Tune-up.

Give us a glimpse of your system.

>>>>What good would that do, pray tell? Please don’t tell me you believe you can tell what a system sounds like from a photo. Or by the names of the components. 🥱
Acoustics are often overlooked? Yeah, right. Maybe by rank beginners. I thought this was supposed to be a high end audio forum. Come on, people! Let’s try to get out of first gear.

First gear, it’s all right (Honda, Honda, go faster, faster)
Second gear, I’ll lean right (Honda, Honda, go faster, faster)
Third gear, hang on tight (Honda, Honda, go faster, faster)
Faster, it’s all right.

An ordinary man has no means of deliverance. - audiophile axiom
Belief in ones own handiwork is a very powerful antidote to getting the best sound possible. Two obvious examples I can think of are Helmholtz resonators are easily overdone. And wires running together even though they don’t touch are still affecting each other electrically.

“Because it’s what I choose to believe.” - Harpo Marx

“You may think you know what’s going on Mr. Geddes, but believe me you don’t.” - Noah Cross to the detective Jake Geddes in Chinatown.
Wow! That’s a lot of generalizations!! If I didn’t know better I’d think you were channeling the dude from Stereo Review who famously opined all amplifiers that measure the same sound the same. I’m pretty sure everyone and his brother have been aware of the electrical system issues, Including RFI/EMI, room acoustics and vibration issues ever since Ghandi was a Boy Scout. Perhaps they didn’t realize how pernicious and extensive they are, I’ll grant you that. To suggest these three “embeddings” have not been explored quite throughly by others might be a little misleading. In that regard you might as well say the sky is blue. To suggest those are the ONLY embeddings is quite incorrect, actually. But one thing they all have in common is they are INVISIBLE. One must be on guard not to fall into the trap of STOVE PIPING - working too independently like a lot of little smokestacks 🏭 and drawing conclusions that might be orthogonal to reality. ✖️
No compromises. One man’s “no compromises” is another man’s misunderstanding. 😬
I have found tweaks to be insipid in comparison to the gains from superior components, cables and speakers.  

>>>>>>There’s one in every crowd.
We are experiencing a pandemic of misinformation. I always wanted to use pandemic in a sentence. 
Mass per sec is not the right answer. It’s mass-on-spring, that’s the right answer. And UN-stiffness. The less stiff the better the isolation. The best isolation and best sound occurs when the component can move most easily - I.e., UNSTIFF. Stiffness is good for the top plate, though, for isolating against bending forces. People out there, stove piping their systems and reaching conclusions about reality that are troubling, to say the least. Am I being pedantic enough?
Perfect Path Solutions Omega E-Mats and E-cards have an effective range of a few feet. These transformers and PPS are all within a few feet of each other. Its like a perfect storm of Perfect Path Solutions and electromagnetic fields.

>>>>The E-Cards and E-Mats have an effective range of a few feet? Interesting, must be that action-at-a-distance thing going on. Are they firing off photons? Are they absorbing photons or electrons, maybe neutrons? Which electromagnetic fields are we talking about here? Did you mean electromagnetic waves? Maybe magnetic fields, or electric fields?