Home Theater Bypass , why am I hearing this now.

I have a Home Theater and when I upgraded my Onkyo to a Marantz it was a true Upgrade I was impressed, anyway like any other hobby I wanted to make improvements on top of what I just gained. The more I read the more I realize AVR HT receivers will never get you a tru HIFI experience because of the processing that takes place and a dedicated 2 ch is the only way to go ask Millercarbon he will surly be all over this one. I only have one room in my house that doubles as a home theater and listening room. I was ready to pick up a Prisma NP5 streamer (to move to my rack and network ) and a Denafrips ares Dac thinking I would get an upgrade to my source that is Tidal over my phone over the air currently( anything is better than this method). Im wondering if its a waste of time and money since I plan on using it with my AVR, then I stumbled onto guys talking about HT bypass for this reason. I haven't read or herd HT bypass yet on this Forum and wanted to know what you all thought, at some point i wanted to get a 8k marantz Processor and dedicated Amp but before I drop $7k I want to make sure I figure out this HT bypass because I want better High Rez audio from my HT system. 

Showing 3 responses by vinylshadow

@8044drussell  @auxinput  @big_greg

About getting a pre in line after my Classe processor. I was in correspondence with Dave Nauber, the president of Classe and he suggested I look into getting their Delta pre to connect to my Classe processor for strict 2 channel. That I'd get "the best of both worlds" with it and my Classe processor.

He also wrote -

"The Delta PRE, sitting between the SSP-800 and the Model 12 amplifiers becomes your preamp for two channel audio. It is indeed additional circuitry for the front L&R when in multichannel mode, but it is so neutral that it’s not considered a real compromise compared to the benefits it offers for stereo sources. It’s a dedicated stereo preamp and a lot newer than the SSP-800 and more expensive as far as the stereo path is concerned, so it’s a step up for stereo sources."

I then asked him- If I leave things as they are now with phono pass through with my SSP-800, am I foolish to spend big money on a new turntable/tonearm and phono amp upgrade as it won't sound as good as it is supposed to because of the Classe?

"The limiting factor would likely be the phono stage but with both the phono stage and the SSP-800 you will be able to hear improvements made on the turntable without additional investment in the preamp. You’d just hear a bit more of the improvements going directly through the Delta PRE."

I just upgraded to a Rogue Ares Magnum tube phono drive with 2 table inputs and a mono switch for my mono table.....The Classe Delta is $10K. Is that investment worth "a bit more" of the improvements to 2 channel from the SSP-800?


A rhetorical question for the ages!


From what I've read, millercarbon is right for the most part. Unless you buy an extremely good processor.
I've had the Classe SSP-800 for a long time and its 2 channel bypass is great. There is no digital anything in the stream. Analog signal gets sent to my Rowland Model 12 monoblocks unadulterated.

I just bought a PI Audio UberBuss so that should clean up any 'tricity noise very nicely. And it has a power factor correction of 1 which is great.
I read that Classe is coming out with a processor that replaces the/my SSP-800. The ISP A/V.No info or ETA yet but I'm hoping it has the best of both worlds. A Delta Pre 2 channel digital bypass/pass through with a better than SSP-800 surround circuitry. Could be amazing.