Home Theater Bypass , why am I hearing this now.

I have a Home Theater and when I upgraded my Onkyo to a Marantz it was a true Upgrade I was impressed, anyway like any other hobby I wanted to make improvements on top of what I just gained. The more I read the more I realize AVR HT receivers will never get you a tru HIFI experience because of the processing that takes place and a dedicated 2 ch is the only way to go ask Millercarbon he will surly be all over this one. I only have one room in my house that doubles as a home theater and listening room. I was ready to pick up a Prisma NP5 streamer (to move to my rack and network ) and a Denafrips ares Dac thinking I would get an upgrade to my source that is Tidal over my phone over the air currently( anything is better than this method). Im wondering if its a waste of time and money since I plan on using it with my AVR, then I stumbled onto guys talking about HT bypass for this reason. I haven't read or herd HT bypass yet on this Forum and wanted to know what you all thought, at some point i wanted to get a 8k marantz Processor and dedicated Amp but before I drop $7k I want to make sure I figure out this HT bypass because I want better High Rez audio from my HT system. 

Showing 2 responses by big_greg

A preamp or integrated with HTBP will allow you to get the most from your music listening (assuming a quality preamp or integrated) than you'll get from a home theater receiver or processor.  

When listening in two channel, the home theater processor is not used at all.  When watching movies, engage the HTBP and your front two channels are powered by whatever you're using for two channel amplification, and your home theater processor manages the signal processing for all channels.

Opinions about whether a two channel or multi-channel home theater system are "better" are just that - opinions, not facts.
Stating an opinion often and emphatically doesn't magically transform it into a fact, other than perhaps to the person stating it. 

Many of today's movies are made to be both a visual and sonic experience and a nice home theater system will allow you to enjoy the movie the same way, or in my experience, better than the theater experience.  How many theaters have you been to lately that only have two channels? 

If throwing away all of the location context you get from a well implemented surround system is "better" to you, cool.  If you personally don't have the budget or desire to put together a system that combines both home theater and two channel that doesn't mean it can't be done or shouldn't be done.  You can have both and you don't have to spend a fortune.

Before surround sound came out, I enjoyed watching movies with the sound coming out of two speakers.  That was better than the one little speaker in the TV.  But technology has marched on and I know for myself, after seeing and hearing Apocalypse Now and experiencing the Ride of the Valkyries scene in surround sound, I was sold and have never looked back.