Homage to those who are pleased with your audio rig


I am now pleased with my two audio systems. I am enjoying the music. Both are, by most measures, humble audio rigs but.... I am enjoying the music.

It’s all tubes and digital in one system and SS and digital in the other, have not gotten back into albums. Parasound Amp, Schiit Preamp, Schiit DAC, Sony CD player, Bluesound Node 2, Vandersteen speakers with Rythmik Subwoofer one rig, Line Magnetic integrated tube amp, Rega CD player, Schiit DAC, Bluesound Vault and Tekton Double Impack SE speakers in rig 2.

Please tell us all, how did you get there? Are you still working at it? Care to tell us what equipment your using? Simple rig? Are you enjoying the music?

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Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

very happy with my system. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/615

built my room in a barn back in 2004, took 10 or so years to figure out the room, but for the last 7 years it’s been acoustically stable, and a source of great joy and hours of musical pleasures every week.

i’d say my room is somewhat over the top in my quest to discover what might be possible to accomplish. and i think based on my own priorities, that i have achieved that. my approach was to assemble gear that was not performance limiting, to cover all the bases of AC power grid, noise isolation, resonance control, amplification headroom, and top level electronics, speakers and sources.

i am a music lover as well as an audiophile so also have 12,000 lps, 20 terabytes of files, and 300+ master tapes. my focus is the music.

i have upgraded sources (added Wadax digital, added 2 more tt’s) these last 7 years but at this point ready to retire and just cruise into the sunset listening. have a new cartridge arriving tomorrow, and a new tone arm in a few weeks. but those are the only additions planned.