I hope to take it back to my audiophile friend's house to compare with his system as the stable variable(s).
@hilde45 , that would be excellent!
If you’re able to do so, please post your impressions.
HoloAudio STREAMER is out now
I've read lots of discussions about streamers, especially about how to get value for less than several thousand $$'s. The typical responses include Bluesound, Innuous, iFi, Raspberry Pi, Cambridge, and probably a couple others I'm missing.
People LOVE the Holo Audio DAC's -- the May, the Spring, e.g.
Now they have a streamer. It's less than $1k. I wonder if anyone has it or has compared it?
@hilde45 , that would be excellent! Charles |
Yes, this is a bit puzzling to me as well. Hearing an audio component In person surpasses what “any” reviewer has to offer. At least for me it would. If I hear an audio product directly that is all I need to make a decision. A good professional review is certainly helpful when direct listening isn’t possible. Perhaps I am missing something here. What could a reviewer tell someone that exceeds what they can hear on their own? The description of the Holo Red as “amazing “ and “sounds delightful “ is very high praise. @hilde45 would you describe your Blue Node listening encounters in the same manner as you did for the Holo network player? My inference could be off but it appeared to me that you were highly impressed with the Holo listening experience. Thanks, Charles |
I hope that you did not misinterprete my inquiry. What you reported is very good news and inspiring to learn. Yes, the Magna Mano Ultra MK III is nearly double the cost of the Holo network player. I mentioned it because Hans is so impressed with its sound quality. He considers it genuinely a high end streaming component for very accessible price.He said that it really delivered quality performance. So, this and now the Holo seem to offer a level of sound quality well beyond Bluenode entry level standards. As far as I am concerned, this represents a very good development. Couple the Holo or Magna with for example a high quality network filtering system (Network Acoustics) and one could seemingly have very cost effective, very good sounding audio streaming solution. Not dirt cheap nor exorbitant either. I hope that you understand my point. Charles |
Was it really "amazing"? If so, that’s quite encouraging at its price point. I wonder how it compares sonically to the Magna Mano Ultra MK III that really impressed Hans Beekhuysen with its sound quality. He described it as 8/10ths performance of the mighty Grimm MU1 which is his current reference. Quite the compliment given the Ultra MK III is about1,300.00 USD. Really high praise. Charles |