Hola Audio Springs DAC repair

I purchased this DAC a few months ago.  Finally unboxed it and hooked it up.  It has a problem.  The sound coming out of my speakers is ear splitting loud even with the volume on the preamp turned low.  My other dac works just fine.  I have contacted Holo Audio via email twice but got no response.  Incredible!

I have no problems shipping it.  I live in southern Illinois.  I am looking for an excellent repair shop that knows their stuff on days.

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Showing 2 responses by georgehifi

Just a shot - are you connecting to a preamp phono input by any chance?
Only explanation if there’s no dac level control/s, as the gain of a dac won't be that high from the manufacture unless the previous owner had it modded to be that high.

Cheers George
Look at the manual, make sure it's not in fix full output mode instead of variable, if it has these options.

Cheers George