Сhoice preamp

Please help with the selection of a preamplifier.
My system: mac mini - mytek dac 192 - ... - McCormack DNA-1 Delux - Dynaudio Contour s 1.4.
I listen to rock, electronics, jazz ...
I was advised McCormack ALD-1,  Audible Illusions Modulus 3A, Odyssey Tempest. Maybe there is still an option?
 I can not listen to them at home. I can only buy one. 
I can not be defined with a choice. 
Just to give a point of reference to the previous post my system consists of the top-of-the-line Sophia electric 845 mono blocks and tannoy Yorkminster SE speakers. For source I am mainly vinyl with a Van den hul xgp colibri cartridge ET 2 combo on a loaded VPI TNT into a herron phono stage. So you can see by the rest of my system that I am not some newbie who doesn't have a clue what good gear sounds like.  I have been heavily into this for the last eight years and tried a lot of gear before settling on this set up. 
If You're not up to giving bottle head a try, out of the three you have mentioned I would agree with the MacCormack and the audible allusions.  I have not heard of the odyssey. 
Who can describe the difference in sound Audible Illusions L2 with M3A?

I tend toward to buy M3A. But I am afraid that there will be problems with the main gain and step attenuator. And I will not be able to properly adjust the volume. Who listens to the AI M3A  with McCormack DNA-1? You have problems with main gain and step attenuator ?
We had a McCormick amplifier here recently and it worked quite well with all of our preamps.

BTW, it does not matter what music you play- the electronics really don't care about that and are not genre specific.
Very true atmasphere, but some genres will exposure faults more than others .