Hobby or Lifestyle?

This thought reemerged again last night after going to my tax accountant. Upon being told the obscene amount of $ that the govt. is going to releive me of my wife said I should find another hobby which is work related (and thus deductable). This triggered a thought. In the past I've seen many posts about this "hobby" and it has always seemed odd to me to call it a hobby. I've never thought of this as a hobby. I started buying records at about the age of 9-10 (1960-61). I had a cheap "record player" back then and since that time I can never remember a day without a way to play my music or many days that I didn't play some music. My systems got better through the years and I now have the best system that I have ever owned. In my younger nomadic days, I can remember moving with only my clothes, drums and stereo. And if I had to move today and could only take three items, the list would be the same. To me "stereo" is not a luxury item. It is as necessary as any appliance in the house. It's not a hobby but a lifestyle. Anyone else feel this way?

Showing 1 response by fatparrot

If the government takes such a sum of money from us each year, can you just imagine the absolute killer sound systems that our "Uncle Sammy" must be able to afford? Everyone down to the Washington Mall for an audio shoot out! Happy Tunes!