Hissing sound from right speaker

I fired up the system last night and began listening to a LP that sounded like it had horrible surface noise. Upon investigation, it was not the LP, but a loud hissing noise coming from the preamp. When I muted the preamp, the sound went away. By changing input selector (LP, CD, etc.) there was no change. It is a Klyne pre plugged into a PS Audio 300 power supply.

Any thoughts on how to trouble shoot this issue?
Think you need troubleshooting flow chart. It will help to narrow down to piece of equipment where problem lies. Had a similar problem recently. Muting pre-amp seemed to elimiate problem, but with use of http://www.avahifi.com/trblsht.htm I found out problem was bad power transitor in power amp. Wasn't expensive to repair. $90 including S&H. Good luck.

you may be losing a tube , move them from right to left and see if the hiss follows.
Klyne preamps are solid state!! I really think he does not have a bad tube.

Could be a bad resistor, which is why I would seek professional help. Call Klyne first.