聖HIJIRI Users thread

Based on a discussion with another forum member, I've been reading up on this Comback Corporation brand. The reviews I've found have been pretty positive, but I've also learned over the years to take all reviews with a grain of salt. So the purpose of this thread is for users to share their input on 聖HIJIRI cables. When you share, if you'd discuss what model of HIJIRI you demoed and what brands/models they were compared to, that'd be very helpful.

A little background: a few years ago I was reading the Audio Envy threads and decided to give them a try as the seemed to compete with much higher-priced cable.  So I decided to give AE a try. I found both the $179 P2 and the $279 M3 to easily best an Isotek power cord at $1k. So that got me thinking even more about value products. I was about to give Zavfino a try and then was given another recommendation to give HIJIRI a try. So this is how I got here. I'll be very interested to hear all user comments on HIJIRI and this should be a good repository for the brand.

Here is their website: www.combak.net


Showing 21 responses by lak

@jafant, I'm sorry to say I have not gotten around to putting the Nagomi PC on a CDP yet. I've been testing a full loom of Lavricables Grand 5N silver cables, Infigo Signature interconnects, and a new pair of Zu Audio Union 6 Supreme speakers. I will eventually get to it but I know you want results now. Aniwolfe has much more experience using them currently I believe in his system.

Can someone write out a flow sheet regarding the development of the Comback Corporation power cords? I'm getting confused regarding the various models?

lalitk, grannyring, and wig said it better than I could...100% agreement ;-)

I agree with all of the positive comments about Colin, he is a pleasure to work with. Having said that I appreciate and respect Ozzy's thoughts. This just might not be a venture for him.

The only place in the United States that I'm aware of to purchase Hijiri cables: https://gestalt.audio



If you can afford the Hijiri interconnects that would be the way to go in my opinion. The Zavfino is very good for the money but the Hijiri is in a different league.

Prices seem to increase almost every year. I think for an accurate price you would have to contact Colin King of Gestalt Audio Design.

Anyone have any additional information to add regarding the Hijiri products?

Wow! That will be a very interesting comparison. I look forward to reading your thoughts, lalitk :-)

@lalitk; thanks for the review and comparison, very much appreciated and well done ;-)

I don't mean to muddy the waters on this thread. I have one 聖HIJIRI power cord and really like it. The Infigo Sparkle interconnect (out of Canada) was mentioned to me as an interconnect to audition with glowing recommendations. Has anyone tried it?

Which system? (LOL)

A variety of HFC in the main system, Zivfino Fusion in another, and to prevent confusion I'll stop there.

@jafant, I had the HIJIRI pc on my Allnic T-1500 300B integrated amp, unfortunately, I have not moved that power cord to other systems but will be doing that shortly.

Honestly, within this thread, I feel there are others that are much more qualified to describe what they hear with this power cord.
Please see page one of this thread as an example.
With that said after a five-day burn-in on my Audiodharma cable cooker, I really like what I hear on that integrated amp using a Grand Lavricable power cord.
To me, the music sounds more natural, more musical with better extension.
I’m sure a lot of what I’m saying is due to my personal preferences, after all, mileage will vary.
The system I’m talking about: Allnic T-1500 300B Integrated amp, Audio Research CD-7, ZU Audio Dirty Weekend MK II with upgrades, Twin REL T/7i subs.

@jafant; I put the Nagomi PC on my Audio Research CD7 which I'm running through my Luxman 590 Mk II Integrated (30 watts of class A I believe), to my ZU Audio Union 6 Supreme speakers (99 dB). After several hours of playing time, I sat down for some critical listening. I totally agree with aniwolfe's description above. I would say the Nagomi is a bit on the warm side but exhibits very strong bass, with detail in the mids and the ability to pick up small instrumental passages and smaller details that I have not heard with other power cords. I hear increased openness, air, and a more convincing natural tone. After writing this I realize it sounds more like a review of an interconnect but this is what I heard by simply removing my Lavricable Grand power cord on the CDP and replacing it with the Nagomi power cord. The next logical question that should be asked is what was the difference between the two power cords used? The differences I heard were the Nagomi was able to pick up a few more of the micro details while the Lavricable Grand had a slightly sweeter timbre. I would rate the increased openness, air, and a more convincing natural tone as equal. 

Yes, the聖HIJIRI Nagomi is a current model at the starting level, I believe the prices go up from there.


I'm also in the process of learning the combak line of products. It was easier back in the earlier 2000, they didn't offer so many choices of products.

@gochurchgo I think comparing the Lavricables (Grand, their top-of-the-line) to Hijiri would be like comparing apples to oranges. 5N silver vs whatever the hi-grade copper is used with Hijiri cables. Don't get me wrong they are both very good, but I would think they sound somewhat different. I own a full loom of the Grand but I only have one Hijiri power cord and have not had the luxury of hearing the interconnects or speaker cables. If you were to purchase the HIJIRI brand from what I know I would suggest you go with the “Million”.

@bugredmachine, Is the "bugredmachine's Tennessee System 2023" system the one you are referring to?

@tubeguy80 "but was wondering if this is the same Combak that is/was associated with Reimyo"?

Yes, it is the same.