Hihat Question

Thanks in advance for your opinion-

My system is:

Anthem Integrated 225

Musical Fidelity Cd as Transport

Schiit Modi Multibit

Technics Sl 1200 mk2

Usher Cp6311

Morrow Cables

I like the system overall, plenty of bass, voices sound realistic, highs are not strident, etc.

As a drummer, I love to hear hihats, cymbals, etc. On some systems in the past I’ve heard more of this than through my setup. Most of these setups have been in the past on equipment I perceive is a lower grade than mine.

My question is: 

Should I be hearing most every hihat strike, close? Is hearing these sounds consistently the sound of a revealing system or a ‘tipped up’ presentation that I would likely tire of?

Live music varies to me in this respect, and the music on my my system varies as well. Unfortunately, I’m not able to demo where I live, so I’m interested in your opinion. Fwiw- I hear all a lot more treble in my automobile, but could be due to the euphoric goal of the manufacturer. I’m in my late 50’s, so that may play a part-

On many jazz albums, it’s all there, others not so much.

Sorry for the one post.


Showing 1 response by soix

Another drummer here.  How cymbals are reproduced is also very important to me as part of a system's performance.  I can't listen to a system where cymbals are highlighted, distorted, or muted.  Of course this is heavily recording dependent, so I'll just mention a couple recordings I've used in the past to help me assess whether a system is getting cymbals right -- at least for my tastes.

One is Patricia Barber's "Companion."  It's a live recording at the Green Mill in Chicago, which is an intimate bar setting where I saw her play with her band.  The drums are well recorded so you can clearly locate them in space on stage, and they are of appropriate size as opposed to some recordings where the drums span the entire width of my room.  The cymbals are really well recorded and are situated in their proper positions in the context of the set.  The drums are set back behind the speakers a bit and toward the right side, which is where they were located when I saw them play.  The cymbals sound very clear, distinct, and dynamic.  As a drummer you'll just know it sounds right.

Another recording I've used is Keb' Mo's "Slow Down."  This is a good studio recording where the drums and cymbals sound bigger and more explosive.  Here the drums are in the center rear of the soundstage and sound slightly raised to me.  Crashes are very dynamic, but you can still hear the tone and various weights of the cymbals. 

I mention these recordings because they're readily available if you don't already have them, the music is good, and since you can't get out and demo you might be able to use them as a benchmark of sorts.  If the cymbals sound real and right to you (and certainly not muted) in these recordings then your system is fine IMHO and the other systems are likely emphasizing and/or pulling the cymbals unnaturally forward in the mix.  Given your equipment my money's on your system being just fine.  If you think you might still want more detail and bite, I'd play around with some used silver interconnects like Acoustic Zen Silver Reference or something similar since they're so easy and inexpensive to send through the mail.  Hope this helps.