Highest BUILD quality tube amps?

Not so much with sound...lots of ways to fine tune thru tube rolling, etc. I'm just curious which tube amps are built to last for many years with the least amount of repairs. I know Mcintosh comes to mind for longevity. I was snooping around on the web and Air Tight seems to be built like a tank and I've never read any poor repair histories. Luxman same thing. Any others come to mind?
@erik_squires4:  According to conversations I had with Bill Johnson in the 1970's, those "simple" faceplates were the most difficult and demanding items he sourced for his products. He told me they gave him headaches for weeks and months and that they had to return many of them that did not meet his demanding standards.

Not sure how today's faceplates differ from the old ones; they were a lot of things, but certainly not "simple" to manufacture.
I’m I’m going to throw my hat into the ring as a brand new tuber, and say that the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premier HP an excellent quality amp that hits way above its $3800 price point, and really sounds excellent. Point to point wiring and a bunch of advanced featUres designed to enhance tube reliability and not drive them to max while still putting out 75 watts in ultralinear mode (switchable on the fly to triode mode). I was actually surprised at how much difference the power amp made in my system!
I have had my Marantz 8b since I bought it in 1964. I also bought the reissue in the 90s. Still working just fine, bother of them. Glorious.
Line Magnetic and Finale Audio, good quality and sound at reasonable pricing
I really want to save for a new MC275. It has the looks and I like the sound. However, for less money, I can get monoblocks (which I prefer) from Quicksilver or Primaluna. I just wished the QS's looked more pleasing (I know that is weak..but I do like good looking equipment as well). The PrimaLunas look nice, I just wished they were built over here, japan or Europe (I know if they were, the price would be much higher). I was an automotive manufacturing manager and we had so many quality issues with cheaper asian built components (China, etc) that has left me hesitant (yes, I know my phone, TV etc were built there).