Higher-End Class A/B vs. Class A Integrateds

I’ve been thinking about downsizing from separates to an integrated amp. I’ve noticed that some companies have both class A and class A/B amps that are both pretty expensive such as Luxman for example. Hegel seems to be well received and they’re not true class A as far as I know.

I was kind of under the impression that class A was better than class A/B due to lower distortion yet again, there are some well reviewed class A/B amps that are as pricey as some class A amps.

To be clear, it’s really not the price I’m concerned about. It’s the fact that some integrated amps $5000 and up are still only Class AB.

How do these higher priced class AB amps sound in comparison to true class A amps?


Showing 2 responses by dman777

I have the Luxman 595 Class A amp. I also have Yamaha AS-3200 Class A/B with the Yamaha rn-2000a as pre amp. 

The sound traits (to me):

1) Luxman 595 - Has a powerful meaty sound. Sounds a bit stuffy. Not very holographic. Sounds excellent for Jazz and also colombian music, though. 

2) Yamaha set up - sounds open, not stuffy. Good at being holographic.  I like the sound stage more than the Luxman. Sometimes can be a little to strong in the highs. It's bass is diff. from the Luxman. More tight/refined but less full compared to the luxman. The luxman bass can make the Bookshelves sound like towers. But I still like the Yamaha's bass a lot. 

Overall, I listen to the Yamaha setup 90% of the time. I use the Luxman for just jazz and Colombian music for the remaining 10%. 

I feel like the heat generated on idle is close to the same between the Luxman and the Yamaha as-3200. With the Luxman being maybe a tad bit hotter but not much. 

@erik_squires for the Yamahas, the 2000 greatly influences the as 3200. With the AS-3200 by itself I do not like it. It has to be with the 2000. They go really good together. 


I have not messed with any preamps for the Luxman. I figure for the price, if it's not good enough standalone then I don't want it. I am on the fence on selling my Luxman 595. I will eventually buy the MacIntosh 12000. I might sell it down the road if I find I do not use the Luxman enough. It's hard to give it up... it does sound better than other amps for Jazz music.