Highend tube preamp w/no headphone jack - help I wanna get a pair of phones

I have a deHavilland UltaVerve tube preamp. Sounds amazing but thinking about getting a pair of Sennheiser HD 560S phones. The preamp has no phone jack. But does have two sets of RCA outputs. One goes to my amp - the other is unused. 

Can I use these somehow to drive the headphones? Would I need some sort of headphone amp to go between? Figure anything I add can potentially mess up the sound (this preamp is incredibly holographic, with a wide and focus sound stage - besides the warm musicality that tubes usually have.

Any suggestions? 


Showing 2 responses by larsman

You should at least look into a real headphone amp; what kind of budget would you be looking at? 

@soix - Totally agree - I used a Quicksilver Headphone amp for about 6 months before I replaced it with an Eddie Current Studio B; that Quicksilver, for under $1000, is a GREAT DEAL!!!!