High quality, passive, balanced, low pass crossover?

Where could I find a pair of high quality, passive, balanced, low-pass crossovers similar to Vandersteen's M7-HP?  Ideally, the crossover would roll-off the signal somewhere in the range of 40 to 50Hz.   The 100Hz roll-off of the M7-HP is too high for my needs.  Is it possible to find one that doesn't leave a sonic footprint (i,e,. no detrimental effect on the signal going to the main speakers) - if so, where?

Showing 1 response by dynamiclinearity

Pet peeve which doesn't really affect the discussion but sealed box and acoustic suspension are not exactly the same thing. Acoustic suspension is a sealed box but with particular woofer and box size relationships. An acoustic suspension speaker is a sealed box but a sealed box need not be acoustic suspension. The old Bozak speakers were sealed box and not acoustic suspension. The famous Advent speaker was acoustic suspension.