High quality CDs

Where can I find CDs with high quality recording, specifically classical.. More than 50% of the CDs that I buy with classical music, sounds so anemic and noisy when you crank up. Any suggestions will be really helpful. I prefer physical format over streaming.. 


Showing 2 responses by nonoise

@rman9 ,I'm right there with you on the upgrade itch and don't feel bad about the rock you live under. It offers great insulation from the heat. 😄

I'm doing my level best to hold off on getting a newer and matching SACD player for my new integrated. My old one sounds fantastic with the new integrated and two different associates at MusicDirect told me that my 8 yr old SACD player is  still a great sounding unit and that I wouldn't get that much of an upgrade with the newer one. You'd think they'd like to move more product but they've always been on the level with me, yet...

All the best,

I didn't see if they were mentioned but Channel Classics is great and so is Erato.

All the best,