High quality CDs

Where can I find CDs with high quality recording, specifically classical.. More than 50% of the CDs that I buy with classical music, sounds so anemic and noisy when you crank up. Any suggestions will be really helpful. I prefer physical format over streaming.. 


Showing 2 responses by bdp24

@rman9: And the HM albums are by-and-large very well recorded. Plus their artist roster if fantastic: lots of the best "historically informed/original instrument" musicians in the world. The repertoire includes lots of Early Music and Baroque, along with some Classical (Mozart, Beethoven, Haydn, Schubert) and Romantic.

In the 1990's Harmonia Mundi U.S.A. had parking lots sales on Sundays at their Westwood (or was it Santa Monica?) office/warehouse. They sold newly-discontinued CD's and LP's for five bucks each. I bought a lot!