High power integrated suggestions please.


I would like suggestions to look into. The reference is a McIntosh MA6900 which is the only one on my short list.

I've been racking my brain for other integrateds that have what the 6900 offers; sonics, convenience(loudness switch, equalizer), build quality, aesthetics, reliability and the customer support and service Mac is famous for. It also needs to retail for $5k or less.

I love the Mac sound, full bodied and dynamic to these ears. And I would want a cdp from the same company. If I go with the Mac it would be the MCD201.

Any thoughts? Thanks for your time and any suggestions.


Showing 1 response by northwoods_maine

213Cobra -

"The Krell has power and dynamics. Unfortunately, it lacks tone and is unable to make anything resembling music."

I'm guessing that you've never actually heard the Krell 400xi that is being discussed here. While I think your description of Krells is harsh and inflamatory, I do agree that the typical "Krell sound" is not everyone's cup of tea and certainly isn't mine. However, the 400xi didn't inherit that sound. I auditioned it as I too am in the market for an excellent integrated amp, and was taken back by it's transparency and lack of the Krell 'house' sound. To my ears, it wasn't the best match with my speakers but it was excellent with another speaker brand demo'd.